Blog Archives

Two Just Made It by Ed Valitutto

The plan was for Alan Goracy and his daughter Lauren visiting from Vermont to join me for a day fluke fishing on 29 June. Unfortunately, a late arrival the evening before resulted in only Alan showing up at my dock

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Another Decent Day at the North Cut by Ed Valitutto

Dave Spendiff and Alan Goracy joined me for a day of fishing the north cut off Double Creek channel. We started at High Bar but a strong current and a brisk crosswind made fishing the narrow channel difficult. We then

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It Was All Dave, Dave, Dave! by Ed Valitutto

Is there anything worse than a day where the only thing you caught was a short belly hooked fluke? Yes there is! It’s a day where the guy next to you catches four keepers and four shorts! Dave Spendiff and

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Two Shorts Are Better Than One by Ed Valitutto

Caesar Pesarini and Phil Kaplan joined me for a day of fluke fishing on the Thursday before Memorial Weekend. We started in Double Creek but the wind against the tide was too much. I went into High Bar where fishing

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Beatin’ the Drums by Larry Leary

Caught this beauty yesterday (5/14) evening fishing with my son Brian. What’s interesting, 8 years ago in the same spot we caught the same size Drum. I measured it at 30″ hoping VHFC had a contest for them but unfortunately

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Good Day Perch Fishing by Ed Valitutto

While speaking with Dave Spendiff on Wednesday, he mentioned he would be trying for perch later in the morning and welcomed some company. I arrived at 10:00 and we fished until just past noon. We quickly had 15 for the

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Tough Day Tog Fishing by Ed Valitutto

With the honking west winds forecasted to finally slow down, I jumped at the invite for a day of tog fishing with Phil Simon. Our first stop was the Persephone, a tanker torpedoed just north of the Barnegat reef. My

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Florida Fishing Summary by Ed Valitutto

This is a summary report for the 10 weeks my wife and I spent in Cape Coral in Southwest Florida. The photo shows a decent Spanish Mackerel I caught on a shrimp under a float. After I filleted it, I

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One Too Small and One Too Large by Ed Valitutto

With near perfect weather, my grandson Nick joined Dave Spendiff and me for a striper trip on the Friday of Thanksgiving weekend. We left my dock at 6:00 and joined a procession of boats exiting Barnegat inlet and heading north

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Bass Fishing on The Jen-Jen by Larry Leary

We went today 11/9 out of Barnegat Inlet and headed just south of Seaside. Slow pick but we were able to land 6 Bass and kept 3. One @38″ we entered for FOM, one @ 29″ and one @26″ using

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