Monthly Archives: November 2020

One Too Small and One Too Large by Ed Valitutto

With near perfect weather, my grandson Nick joined Dave Spendiff and me for a striper trip on the Friday of Thanksgiving weekend. We left my dock at 6:00 and joined a procession of boats exiting Barnegat inlet and heading north

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Bass Fishing on The Jen-Jen by Larry Leary

We went today 11/9 out of Barnegat Inlet and headed just south of Seaside. Slow pick but we were able to land 6 Bass and kept 3. One @38″ we entered for FOM, one @ 29″ and one @26″ using

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Bass Not Here Yet by Larry Leary

We went out yesterday, Thursday November 6th leaving around 7:30. Things were a bit challenging in the morning fog but an hour later the inlet was clear. We trolled from IBSP up to Mantoloking just below Manasquan with not one

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