Blog Archives

First Charter for 2024 by Ed Valitutto

Bob Dodds asked John Stuebing and me to join him on a Brett Taylor 3-7 PM charter for bass and tog for Friday, 4/19. Despite the cold, the wind died down from the previous day’s storm to make for an

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First trip of the year for tog by Marty Friedrich

My first trip for 2024 was on April 8th for tog. We fished LE reef and caught our 4 man limit. We also released 2 large females. One went 6 lbs and the other one I’m holding went 7 lbs.

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Fantastic Florida Fishing Finale by Ed Valitutto

What a way to end my 2024 final Dragonfly charter with Captain Mike Moran! Despite breezy conditions which actually felt nice with the 80+ temps, we went off into the shallows to cast pilchards and greenbacks to hopefully hungry fish.

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Graveling Point Update by John Stuebing

Since my first trip to Graveling Point in early March, I have returned two more times. Each of those trips produced Stripers. Pictured here is one of the little guys making there way up the Mullica. On the last two

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Skunked at Graveling Point by John Stuebing

Fished the first three hours of the outgoing tide at Graveling Point today. There were four other anglers fishing. There was one short Striper caught (not by me) within the first hour. That was all the action for the day.

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The Fish Are Back Biting in Florida by Basil Dubrosky

It’s been a relatively cool winter in Florida so far and the fish have not been on the bite. Yesterday everything changed and the fish were biting in Sarasota bay. My friend, Tom and I went out on my boat

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Got my first redfish off the beach today. Fishing a pompano rig with shrimp, the rod went down and stayed down. Great fight and landed this 231/2″ beauty. Filleted and will be having it cooked up a Kretches’ on Marco

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Another Beautiful Redfish by Ed Valitutto

Just when I thought the winter of extremes in Southwest Florida was over (coolest, rainiest & windiest), my second trip with Dragonfly Charters experienced the lowest water levels anyone can remember. The reasons are the same as up north –

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Went back to my previous spot today with frozen sand fleas and fish bites. Heavy wind required using Sputnik sinkers to hold bottom. Caught these two chunky Pompano at 14″. Filleted and taken to Cocomo’s in Marco and had them

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I have been all but absent in 2023. Physical issues and just life in general got in the way. So a month on Marco Island is just what the doctor ordered. We arrived on 2/3 and I fish strictly surf

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