Blog Archives

Worth the trip by Marty Friedrich

I decided to run out for sea bass all by myself on Father’s Day starting a little late just before 9. I headed to a wreck about 11 mi. out and it was non-stop drop and reel on a jig.

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Last chance sea bass trip until the fall by Tim Naples

Tim Naples We headed out Father’s day for sea bass. The forecast called for NE wind with 3-4, but we were greeted with nearly a flat calm ocean once we left the inlet. First stop was a wreck about 12

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Ray Not by Dave Puzak

I was bored on Saturday and my boat is waiting on a part. So, I figured I would hit the back bay shoreline for weak fish on light tackle. When I got to the Barnegat Bay bank, there really wasn’t

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Almost a Five Man Limit by Ed Valitutto

When Bob Dodds asked me to join his bottom charter on the Kev n’ Ash, I knew it would be a fun trip. The group was fellow club members Bob Dodds, me, Greg Camillieri, his son Dave and friend Bert.

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Shrewsbury Rocks Seabass & Stripers by Dave Bier

Joined my charter captain friend for Seabass and Striper fishing near Shrewsbury Rocks Tuesday afternoon. We managed to get our Seabass limit and then with dusk approaching, we headed closer to the beach to see if the Stripers were hungry.

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Awesome Day of Wreck Fishing on The Jen-Jen by Larry Leary

Yesterday members Brian, Tyler, Jimbo, & I with Max and Jared from Fishermen Headquarters headed offshore for a day on several wrecks. We had a mixed bag including almost 6-man limit on Sea Bass, many Tog all released a surprise

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Great Wreck Fishing by the Figley Family by Nate Figley

We headed out for some bottom fishing at the Garden State North Reef Site. Fishing itself was a slow pick, but we did manage to put a decent catch together of sea bass, ling, and tog. Of course, all tog

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Two Days Wreck Fishing on The Jen-Jen by Larry Leary

Memorial Weekend Wreck fishing was fantastic! Day 1 crew: Tyler, Sean, Bryson and I had a great day of wreck fishing with lots of Sea Bass and Tog action with close to our limit. Day 2 crew: Brendan, friend Nick,

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Bayside Dave’s Memorial Day Weekend outing on The Great Bay

I went out Saturday on the Great Bay fishing for fluke with 3 buddies, including fellow VHFC member Doug O’Brien.  We picked up a couple keepers trying different areas before we found a steady bite.  We all caught fish and

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Memorial Day Weekend Fishing Bonanza by Dave Puzak

Excellent Memorial Day weekend fishing to report. On Friday, I got my limit of both blues and fluke. Saturday, I picked 150 clams, but fluking was slow. Today, Sunday, I caught my limit of blues with this gator blue of

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