Blog Archives

First Report for 2023 by Ed Valitutto

I went out yesterday (1/18) fishing the mangroves with a guide I used last year in a 16′ bay boat. We’d had some ‘Florida cold’ weather (50-60) for the last few days that put the fish off their feed. Fortunately,

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Albie Day by Ed Valitutto

When Larry Leary asked me to join him on The Jen-Jen for a day of fishing along with his son Brian and grandson Tyler, I quickly said yes. What a great experience fishing with very knowledgeable anglers who really fish

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Great day on the Ocean by Larry Leary

My son Brian fished Tuesday 10/11 with a co- worker friend Phil. They had a lot of action with Triggerfish keeping 4 for the table. They also had a nice tog and released a 44” Striper from a snag and

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Fishing LBI by Larry Leary

Yesterday 10/10. Brian & I started out in Holgate and fished acres of bunker pods all the way up to Barnegat Inlet. We had one knock down but didn’t hook up! We heard last night that the bite was at

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Last Fluke Trip for 2022 by Larry Leary

What a decent way to end a great fluke season! Brian, Jimbo and I left the dock around 7:15. We started at the inlet and caught one bluefish. Next stop was the Tires for one keeper and a few shorts.

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Spur of the Moment Trip by Larry Leary

We decided last night that since this might be the last fluke trip of the season depending on the weather, to go out for one more trip. Brian & I fished near the range buoy 3 miles outside the Tires.

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Two Days in a Row on the Surf by Ed Valitutto

Last Thursday 9/15, a sewer line crossing a nearby lagoon was ruptured by a bulk header. Stafford Township had to run a temporary line blocking water passage by 12-15 streets while a permanent solution could be installed. With beautiful weather,

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Bay Fishing on The Jen-Jen by Larry Leary

My whole family joined me for a lovely day on the bay fishing – members included Sean & Stacy, grandsons Bryson & Owen and my wife Laura. We fished a bit south of the BI buoy and had a mixed

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Nice Trip North Today by Larry Leary

Brian, Addison, Carter and I went north today. We fished several wrecks and the Seaside pipe. We were able to keep 4 overs, 3 slots and 1 sea bass. There were also lots of shorts in the mix until the

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Mixed Bag Today by Ed Valitutto

Not only was the weather forecast for Friday exceptional, but my trolling motor was finally fixed – a broken battery cable that was initially bent and broke due to vibration. Friday was also the last day of a long visit

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