Blog Archives

First Charter for 2024 by Ed Valitutto

Bob Dodds asked John Stuebing and me to join him on a Brett Taylor 3-7 PM charter for bass and tog for Friday, 4/19. Despite the cold, the wind died down from the previous day’s storm to make for an

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Fantastic Florida Fishing Finale by Ed Valitutto

What a way to end my 2024 final Dragonfly charter with Captain Mike Moran! Despite breezy conditions which actually felt nice with the 80+ temps, we went off into the shallows to cast pilchards and greenbacks to hopefully hungry fish.

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Another Beautiful Redfish by Ed Valitutto

Just when I thought the winter of extremes in Southwest Florida was over (coolest, rainiest & windiest), my second trip with Dragonfly Charters experienced the lowest water levels anyone can remember. The reasons are the same as up north –

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Cold & Windy But we Limited Out by Ed Valitutto

With the end of the 2024 season fast approaching, John Stuebing and Jerry Nichols joined me for a striper trip. Once we cleared the inlet and turned north, working birds were scattered close to shore out to about a mile

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Far From Epic but still a very good day by Ed Valitutto

Jerry Nichols invited me for a day of bass fishing on Thursday 11/30. With both the wind and waves reasonable for venturing outside, only the cold temperatures made things a little uncomfortable but we both were dressed for it. Once

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Tog Mania by Marty Friedrich

On November 16, I had a great tog trip with Wil, Paul and my buddy Bob. We ended up with 18 keepers before we ran out of bait after starting with 9 dozen crabs! Paul had a 10 lb 1

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Another Keeper Tog off the BL Bulkhead by Ed Valitutto

Once again, I decided to drive to Barnegat Light and fish for tog off the bulkhead. This is the sixth time in 10 days that I have gone there. I’ve fished the same spot each time – just off the

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Bunker Everywhere but very few stripers by Ed Valitutto

John Stuebing joined me on Tuesday Oct 23rd. for a fantastic journey north of BI looking for stripers. Perfect weather made the trek enjoyable as we traversed the length of IBSP passing the ‘wheel’ at Seaside Heights and continuing on

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No Stripers Yet but a lot of small Weakfish by Ed Valitutto

Fishing the day after our club dinner was tough, but I couldn’t say no to John Stuebing’s offer to search for Striped Bass. After rounding Holgate, we headed north and quickly found schools of bunker – but no predators were

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Finally, a Keeper Tog by Ed Valitutto

After hearing about all the tog being caught in the Barnegat Light area, I decided to give it a try on Monday 10/16. I stopped at FHQ for crabs, but when told they had mole crabs aka sand fleas, I

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