Monthly Archives: September 2021

Two Dogs, a Bird and a Weakie by Ed Valitutto

No, the title is not the name of the latest C&W hit but the results of many hours of fishing by Dave Spendiff and me on the last day of the fluke season. The waves originally forecast at 2 ft

Posted in Member Reports

Fine Afternoon on the Gulf Trade Bow Wreck by Phil Simon

Club member Dan Ludwig and his wife Cindy joined me on my boat last Tuesday afternoon for a 3 hour trip to the Gulf Trade Bow wreck just south of the Barnegat Light Reef. We cleared BI about 1 pm

Posted in Member Reports

Great Day on the Garden State North Reef by Ed Valitutto

With only five days remaining after today (9/14) for the 2021 fluke season, Dave Spendiff and Bill Dabney joined me for a day on the GSN reef in my boat Set the Hook. The weather was perfect and seas were

Posted in Member Reports