The weather on Tuesday 10/22 was near perfect with low wind and waves. Unfortunately, schedules allowed John Stuebing and I to only fish the morning hours. I suggested we get down to the BL docks to toss lures for bass or blues and then switch to tog. Slack tide was 8:48 so at 8:15 we switched to tog fishing.
We immediately caught fish and went through many green crabs without a keeper. With time and crabs running out, John made a move to a different spot on the bulkhead. I handed him two small whole crabs (minus their legs and claws) and commented that my last three keepers off the docks were on whole crabs. John put one on his line and immediately had a pickup that he thought was a dogfish! Instead, it was a 19″ tog that weighted in at 4.22 lbs at SCB&T. He then put the second whole crab on and brought in the other 16 1/2″ keeper!
As we started to load the car, I noticed that I had a whole crab on my rod that I had neglected to use since I was busy netting John’s fish. I tossed it out and within a minute had a 15 1/2″ keeper that went back. Coincidence or just three lucky times in a row?