Just six weeks after having a knee replacement, Caesar Pesarini called me and asked if I wanted to join him Thursday 4/16 for some white perch fishing. Shrimp were unavailable but he had some blood worms.
There were a few anglers already on the bulkhead, all had masks and all were 6′ apart. It was windy and fishing was not very good except for one angler who was using a sabiki rig tipped with shrimp he caught himself. He was catching one after the other. Was he in a “honey hole”, was it the sabiki or was it the shrimp? I don’t know but I will definitely get a sabiki rig for next time!
Anyway, I had one keeper and several missed hits and Caesar missed a few until his bobber went under hard. He reeled in the extra large 12.5″ perch shown in the photo. Also interesting, the angler next to me caught a jumbo yellow perch. I told him what it was and assured him it was definitely ‘good eating”.