After a last minute fishing invite from member Alan Goracy, we left his dock Monday June 25th with strong NW winds and headed North to DC channel. We joked that despite the sloppy seas going out, the trip home would be a breeze.
We arrived to join 5 other boats fishing the area. The outgoing tide with the NW winds made the drift almost 1.5 kts with nothing but weed fouled hooks. We decided to try behind the dike where the wind would be partially blocked by the land. There were another 8 boats fishing and despite the slowed drift (.8 kts), no one was catching here either.
I then suggested we try the cove from Meyer’s Hole back to the docks where the CAIII and commercial fleet tie up. The wind against the tide slowed us to .5 kts and at least it was pleasant fishing. I hooked one fluke at 20.5″ and Alan caught a short and a small blue. Returning home was also sloppy and we had to go under 20 kts to limit the spray and pounding.