Blog Archives

Improved Fishing at the Northern Reefs by Larry Leary

Looks like things are improving on the fishing front. Brian took Tyler, Carter and friend Ryan north this morning. They had 4 keepers and a bunch of shorts.Tyler & Ryan proudly display their keepers in the photo. Tyler is also

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Fast Fishing Behind Holgate by Ed Valitutto

My grandson Nick came down for the Marine Science camp next week (his 4th year) and brought along a friend Tommy for his first time. They wanted to fish and much as I was tempted, I didn’t want to go

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Blowfish in Barnegat Bay by Ed Valitutto

With my grandson down for the week and the fluke fishing being short on keepers, we decided to try for blowfish. Andy Tonneson suggested anywhere near the Rutgers buoy just north of the BI buoy. We started with a fluke

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Finally a One Man Limit by Ed Valitutto

VHFC member Alan Goracy, my grandson Nick and I went fishing on Monday 7/15 after hearing good reports from the Double Creek area. The weather was warm and the breeze was enough to keep the bugs away and still provide

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A Good Day Fishing by Larry Leary

Tough day today (July 9) trying to catch fluke. No grandkids today just several seniors trying to put something in the box. This has been a strange season – nothing on the drift except skates on bait. I had to

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Another Tough Day Fluking by Ed Valitutto

The 2019 fluke season has been tough for me. I have gone numerous times with minimal shorts and only a few keepers. Today was a little better at least in terms of total fish count. Dave Spendiff, my grandson –

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Night Time Sharks Grow Even Bigger by Larry Leary

My two grandsons Tyler & Brendan are definitely hooked on surf fishing. They caught and released this beast last night.

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Shark on the Sands by Larry Leary

Brendan Jelley caught this sand tiger fishing off the Surf in Holgate yesterday. Per grandfather Larry, “Confirms why I don’t swim in the Ocean.” That’s Brendan showing us the “jaws” of the beast before returning the fish back into the

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Anniversary Gift from Heaven by Bob Dodds

The ride out was not, but the fishing definitely was!! Some of you know that my very healthy wife, Doris passed away in December of 2014 only 8 weeks after being diagnosed with stage IV gallbladder cancer. She was my

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South Bay Heats Up By Larry Leary

Went south to Great Bay for some fluke fishing. We caught 8 shorts and had 2 keepers. My grandson Carter had a nice 20” fluke. Hopefully fishing will keep getting better!

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